
One ring to dominate them all …

In no way are we going to tell you about Gollum, Sauron or Middle-earth. But yes, of a ring capable of doing everything we can imagine. “ Ring “, that’s the name of this impressive device, it will allow us to control any device by moving just one finger . At first glance “ Ring ” looks like a common silver ring, however it hides inside a immense potential. As can be seen in the promotional video that its creators have posted on the Kickstarter platform, this ring allows you to interact with other devices by recognizing the movements you make with your finger. With the recognition of the gestures that we can make in the air, it will be possible to write text messages by writing in the air, access applications by performing certain forms and even access our e-mail, for example, just drawing an envelope with your finger. Likewise, with this ring we can also make payments by GPS or iBeacon, as well as, thanks to the Bluetooth system, use it as a remote control for televisions and smart lights, or even as Google Glass driver. To receive notifications, we can choose to display small LED lights or receive a brief vibration. Regarding the use of the battery, its creators assure that “ Ring ” will be able to withstand 1,000 gestures before having to recharge it. Faced with so much possibility, something bad must have this ring … and that is that one of its weak points, as published by the specialized portal Mashable , is that the device is not waterproof or waterproof. Its price is currently above $ 100 but its creators have already announced their intention to lower its price.



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