
More phones than people, and going up

The mobile phone craze is increasing day by day. Our widespread passion for these gadgets is so great that, indeed, in the world there are already more mobile phones than people . A trend that is also on the rise. The growth of mobile telephony and its penetration in our daily lives has been exponential since the mobile boom of the late 90s completely changed our way of communicating, our lives. “No other technology has impacted us like the mobile phone: it is the fastest growing man-made phenomenon ever. From 0 to 7.2 billion in three decades ”, said Kevin Kimberlin, president of Spencer Trask & Co in a statement that The specialized web Gadgetmanía has been echoed. The Kimberlin company specializes in bringing mobile technology to developing countries in collaboration with renowned companies such as Facebook. And yes, there are already 7.2 billion phones in circulation in the world , as many as people live in it. But of course, not everyone has a mobile phone, and it is not necessary to go far and look at the children around us and who, fortunately, still have the freedom to play without being aware of messages and emails or other necessary disruptors. Our peace of mind (or so it should be). The point is that if we look at the data corresponding to unique users, the average is to have two phones per person. This confirms once again the tendency, in so-called developed countries, to live hyperconnected. Therefore, they are not surprising measures such as those adopted in France to prevent this hyperconnectivity from excessively affecting our private life or the increasingly widespread premises where the use of mobile phones is prohibited inside because, as always, perhaps it is not so much having one, two, three or fifty phones and tablets but the use made of them.



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