
Adobe opens a new window to videos

Not everyone is qualified to do it. However, this is not an obstacle for not trying. As always, the important thing is to have the necessary tools to, at the very least, reduce the lack of expertise or imagination. In this case, applications like Adobe Voice . Specially designed to be used on iPad , this new tool from the software giant Adobe can be a great resource when it comes to explaining anything. The grace and main strength of this application is that it allows you to build animated stories or all kinds of explanatory videos through voice commands and insertion of images. As is usual in this type of tool, its operation is based on a series of predefined templates . To do this, every user, or the first thing to do is choose a theme from the 32 predefined templates currently available and a type of story. From there, in a very natural and intuitive way, the application guides the user step by step, as if it were a static presentation, through different “cards” to which photographs, text or an icon of the image can be added. Integrated library (with more than 100,000 illustrations with Creative Commons license ) accompanied by the explanatory voice of what is shown. In addition, it offers the possibility of adding a soundtrack to the video so that, without a doubt, it is much more attractive and attractive. And the best of all is that if all the steps are followed, one by one, the result that is generated is a video that will not have required any assembly, which facilitates and speeds up the work, achieving medium finishes. attractive. And to convince you, here is a video explaining how this App for iPad works.



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