
Your iPhone6 will thank you

You finally got it. The Wise Men brought it to you and you’ve been familiarizing yourself with your new iPhone6 ​​ for a week. Congratulations. Surely you want to get the most out of it, so today we present a series of apps that, if you are not familiar with them, may be useful, fun and, perhaps, exciting. Although also the opposite. One of the Apps that know how to take advantage of the resources of the new and brand new iPhone6 ​​is Elevate . Yes, the first thing we recommend is an entertainment app. Elevate will help you improve basic issues such as concentration, ability to speak, speed when thinking … it will make you more agile. Thanks to a personalized training process and 25 sets of questions and answers, elevate helps you improve in mathematics, comprehension, written and oral expression, and retention and memory. Once you have verified that thanks to this App you have become smarter, more agile, it is time to put your artistic abilities to the test. For this, iMovie is the perfect App for you to give your videos a personal touch. Although it is not free, this is one of the best editing Apps for Apple . However, videos may not be your thing and you may prefer the still image. Here, Litely will help you turn your photos into great artistic expression. F filters, shadows, light touches … everything you need to turn a mediocre photo into one of the most shared on social networks. But of course, to access them you need a password , and another for the email, and another for the other email, and another for the bank and another for that e-commerce that makes special offers every day. And so on until you have to memorize an infinity of passwords (yes, it is recommended that they all be different; it is for your safety). With 1Password you can store them all. But there is more to store on your brand new iPhone6 ​​. With Pocket you can save the articles, videos or links that you want to consult throughout the day. Because you don’t always have time to read that interesting article when you also have to dedicate part of the day to being distracted with Mr. Crab , a game that consists of rescuing the largest number of baby crabs while climbing a rotating tower. Simply exciting! Almost as much as Plunder Pirates , another game that allows you to create in 3D your own scenery to set sail from your island on a pirate ship looking for other thugs to fight with. And to make the battle as fun as possible, what could be better than firing off cannon shots on a stormy day? With Yahoo Weather you will not be able to know if it will rain in the game but it will in your city. It is perhaps the most complete App for meteorological information. And with this and a cake … enjoy your iPhone ! Note: many of these apps are also available for Android devices, so don’t worry.



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