
The great value of a push message

It is normal to have heard of them but still not fully know what they are and, of course, much less what they are for. Or well, maybe you know what they are, since almost all of us receive them on a daily basis, but what remains in doubt is to what extent they can help us if we have a business. We refer to push notifications : these messages that appear daily on our mobiles and tablets and that inform us of something that, in theory, may interest us. Having these types of notifications is not something that is very far from small merchants since, precisely, it is them who may be most interested, not even because of the feeling of proximity and personalized attention that they transmit. Being able to approach each client with a single message informing them of any news that has occurred, inviting them to visit the business or the opportunity to get exclusive products is, without a doubt, a good way to go. A push notification allows, among other things, to launch messages about:
  • promotions and offers
  • events and activities
  • notices and news
Its main advantage is that it is much more efficient than an email, since as it is shorter and appears on the phone screen, it is more likely to be read . And the fact is that several studies have shown that push notifications, launched from the corporate App, are a good claim both to encourage sales and to achieve greater customer loyalty. Moreover, 80 percent of notifications involve a visit to the corporate App and therefore to consult both the information provided and to learn more details about it. From there to generate a purchase … there is only one step! Be that as it may, the important thing in any marketing action is to reach people and to do so, you have to find new ways that are in line with the activities, uses and customs of potential customers. The mobile is already the largest point of access to the Internet for most people, so opting for this type of strategy is a good way to move towards good results. For this reason, in King of App we offer you the possibility of contracting our push messaging service and contacting all your users quickly and efficiently.



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