
Hike, locked messages

One of the first things that every child of a neighbor does as soon as he buys a mobile phone is to go to the markets and start downloading Apps like crazy. Among all, the courier companies are the first to fall. What would become of us without WhatsApp ? However, digging through the stores we can find a large number of similar applications with Telegram as the second majority option. Both accounts have staunch fans and their detractors, but they all agree on one thing: the lack of security in data transmission. From India comes a serious alternative. With over 35 million active users, Hike , it can be considered an option to consider if our concern for the privacy of the data we share is one of our priorities. For this, the creators of this App have configured a safe mode when sending messages when we browse using a Wi-Fi network; in this case they will always come out with 128-bit SSL encryption . But it is not only what we share, what may worry us is that someone may snoop on our phone. The information that we keep in the App, the conversations, may also have their own anti-curiosity system. For this, it offers the option of closing them under a password, which is unlocked by pattern (the same system used to unlock many terminals) and which will keep them safe. Beyond these security and privacy protection issues, Hike offers the rest of the “ classic ” options of a messaging App. Perhaps the most prominent is the option to make voice calls over VolP (wifi, 3G or 2G); that is, free. The rest of the issues, such as the aesthetics and the user interface, are already up to the consumer’s taste.



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