
Music at 4min / Km

There are associations, collaborations, that are worth an empire. In the world of Apps, when two companies of proven track record work together, the result can be a real wonder. This is neither more nor less what Adidas and Spotify have achieved to launch a new version of “ adidas go ”, the application that will make us run with a much better pace. The first thing that occurs to us when we see that Adidas and Spotify have joined forces in creating an App is that it will be able to play our music while monitoring our efforts. And, at its core, it is so. However, the step that differentiates it from any other, that makes it better, special, is that the Spotify song library will automatically adapt to our rhythm to offer us those songs that help us the most to maintain our cadence when it comes to running. To achieve this functionality, the App uses the iPhone accelerometer to adapt the runner’s favorite music to his beats per minute. “ For many people, having the perfect music while running provides the ultimate energy boost ”, commented Adrian Leek, General Manager of Adidas Running during the presentation of an App in which “ for the first Once, the music will listen to the runners ”. Logically, and like all running App once each session is over, the runner will be able to share his evolutions on the network and also show the list of songs that have motivated him to meet the objectives of the. And, who knows, maybe one day, to the rhythm of the music, I will be able to share that it has dropped from 4 minutes per kilometer . This App, at the moment, is only available for users of Apple devices, so those of Android will have to continue making their music lists to run by hand.



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