
Don’t even think about stopping by!

Knowing where to go is just as important as knowing where not to go. This maxim would be appropriate when considering Bcarefool an App that warns us of the worst corners of a city.
We are used to consulting portals in which users usually recommend the best places to visit or where to go. However, we are not so much to do the same but in reverse. Considered the “ anti-Trip Advisor ” this application alerts you to the worst sites, those where we should not think of putting our feet.
Beyond bars or restaurants, this App also focuses on specific areas of a city that are not recommended to go through. Aimed mainly at tourists, it also offers the possibility of setting up an alert that warns when entering areas indicated as conflictive by users themselves through geolocation .
The alerts, therefore, are differentiated according to the category of theft and vandalism , establishments or damage on the street.
At the moment, Bcarefool , which have already been posted close to out of a thousand free downloads, it has a restricted access via access code to be able to monitor each one of the opinions.
According to the newspaper La Información , during the first months of testing, the main concerns of users have focused on security and vandalism, on all those who are accompanied by the family.
Although its use is designed especially to be very useful among tourists and visitors, and even at the risk of stigmatizing very specific areas or neighborhoods, it can also be a tool for administrations to improve these incidents. As a sneak-peek, it can offer an accurate X-ray of the state of a city.



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