
Controlling the aging of the iPhone

We have heard of scheduled obsolescence many times. That which says that an appliance cannot last more than “X” years because that is how it has been predisposed since its manufacture. A maximum time of durability of a product so that the wheel of the economy does not stop and we are continually renewing our belongings. Well, it is not so much this that Apple has registered, but rather a system to detect which parts of the products they manufacture are deteriorating faster and their replacement is therefore recommended.
We are very sorry, your phone has expired “. This could be the message that could appear on an iPhone screen in a few months. And it is that Apple has registered a patent that warns of the aging of any of its devices.
According to the specialized website ZDNet , the technology developed by Apple will allow identifying the age and use of the components through a system called “age detector circuit (ADC)” , and that it will benefit from the Wi-Fi of the mobile device to transmit the collected data. In this way, the terminal will be able to obtain information on whether or not to change part of the hardware of the iPhone (or any other device developed by Apple).
With this technological innovation, Apple will also be able to use the data it collects to produce statistics on the aging of the circuits, the conditions of the battery, the GPS data, the temperature in which it has been. Likewise, thanks to the accelerometer A pple you will be able to know how the use of the device by each user has influenced this aging. “The wear of the components will not be the same if it has been used to play games, than if it has only been used for calls and messaging tools,” says the document published by the Californian firm.
From the company itself, it is anticipated that the new technology and the statistics that are inferred from its use may help explain why the devices of “some areas of the mobile” age “less than those of others.” In addition, relevant data will be available on the effect of temperature, the age of the terminal as well as the battery voltage, among other aspects.
Most likely, this technology will also help Apple to reaffirm its leadership in sales in many markets, such as the United States, where it is the undisputed leader. The United States is the homeland of Apple and therefore where the manufacturer continues to maintain its largest market share. For its part, Windows Phone has already managed to overtake BlackBerry in third position (which is not clear if it is a merit of Microsoft or a demerit of the Canadian company, which lives its lowest hours).
By Android phone manufacturers, Samsung is the undisputed leader in the US with a 2.7 percent market share. Behind are companies such as Motorola (7%), LG (6.8%) and HTC (6.7).



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