
The end of the journal

Nobody is saved here. The freebies have their days numbered thanks to the App that we present today. Leaving the bar and letting the cañas bill be paid by someone else is over forever. With this application, keeping control of the rounds and whose turn it is to pay will be child’s play. Developed by the company Nubedocs , It’s On You, is a perfect tool to enjoy those moments with friends who are in danger of ending up in the recurring discussion about who has paid for the round and who has not. The good news is that it can be done both by complete rounds and by breaking them down by drinks and people. The operation of the application, still only available for Android devices, is very simple. You just have to enter the names of all the friends, the accumulated jackpot, and the price of each drink. With this data, It’s On You does all the accounts in order to always have Present issues such as the remaining pot or the number of drinks taken by each. If you want to go round by round, the application offers this possibility in order to mark, at all times, who should pay for each of the rounds and how many each one has paid. But the best of the options that this App gives us is the possibility of leaving to chance who should take care of each of the hoarse ones. In this case, a fun game will appear on the screen, that of the bottle , which can be used for both accounts and “ for anything else “, they warn on their page. From there, everyone should do what they should or drink.



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