
One by one please

No more receiving messages without stopping. At last an App has appeared whose main functionality is to protect us from the heavy, from those people who do not know how to contain their passion for sending messages indiscriminately, from those who cannot avoid the temptation to divide a message by words and send them one by one. It’s called Hadu and it assures us some peace of mind. The main claim of this App is that nobody will be able to send us a message if we have not previously answered to the previous one. The objective, beyond eliminating the incessant reception of messages by some of our contacts, is to promote interaction between the users of this service and avoid saturation . Of course, this functionality can be counterproductive in some situations in which you want to contact someone and they do not answer, but for the rest, the idea does not seem bad. Another important aspect of this application is that it is not linked to any phone number and allows us to register using a pseudonym, as with other Apps already consolidated such as Skype or the messaging service by BlackBerry (BBM) Far from being an App that can put the almighty WhatsApp in a loophole, Hadu is perhaps a functionality to be adapted by the many mobile messaging services that we use.



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