
September is coming and it’s time to put the batteries

Well yes, that’s it. August is over and we all, like it or not, have to get back to our routines. The early incorporation to work or classes is already a reality that many fear and crave alike. It is time to reconnect with colleagues and friends, to show off on vacation and tan. But it is also time to recharge. With the new school year just around the corner, there are many applications that extend between parents, teachers and students and that promise to facilitate interaction between them as well as the organization of tasks. The most curious thing is that, the closer the date gets, the more famous these types of applications become within the apps market , breaking even into the Top 25 of the most downloaded applications of the past week, with thousands of users signing up every day. Among these applications we find Edmodo and ClassDojo , which are sweeping the United States and are also available in our country (it will have to be seen with what print), focused on teachers but also designed for students and parents. These types of apps allow the reinforcement and involvement of the students in the classes, either through rewards for points or analytics for monitoring behavior that both tutors and family members can see. School children are not the only ones who can benefit from these mobile advantages. Although there are still a couple of weeks before the start of classes, these days many students take the dreaded make-up exams. Even for these students there are mobile applications that allow organizing schedules ( TimeTable ), take notes ( Google Keep ), or go deeper into the study thanks to a series of tips ( Study techniques ), all of them aspects that get enervating to the calmer student. And it is that mobile applications are increasingly available to everyone, while covering a much wider range of diverse areas. In the age when apps dominate our world, even we ourselves can use software and create our own application. This is no joke!



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