The control of time has always been one of the main whims of man. Although the time machine has not yet been invented, there are tools that allow us to control our time and make us feel like the kings of our own world. Last week I saw the light of Hyperlapse for Instagram , a free application for iOS that, using the time-lapse technique, allows you to make photographic compositions in motion. The new app uses Apple’s built-in gyro camera to create cinema-quality videos. In addition, and thanks to its technology, Hyperlapse facilitates the stabilization of the video through the Cinema video algorithm, which allows us to record without worry while we are in motion, and choose the playback speed between 1x and 12x. Thanks to this, we can obtain videos of less than 6 seconds that initially lasted minutes. And, how could it be otherwise, we have the possibility of posting the result on Facebook or Instagram, where we can also add a color filter to our video. Simplicity is what makes this app a great tool. Until now, composing using the time-lapse technique required special equipment, tripods, and editing software. Today, we only need to have the application on our smartphone and press a button to get a souvenir of the sunset or the birthday of the little one in the house. https://vimeo.com/104409950



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