
Usability, also in App format

The success of an App always depends on three key factors: that it is useful , that it is simple and that it is logical >. In other words, that the content is interesting for the user, that it is not misleading and that it is usable. And it is that when designing an App it is very important to take into account the uses and customs of the recipients. It is the so-called usability of the design. A successful App has to be simple in its design. The information must be clear and easily recognizable; It must be designed so that the user can see the content and function of the App with the naked eye. Inducing error or confusion inevitably implies failure of the application. A successful App has to be specially designed so that the interaction is complete. Studies of use and behavior in front of a phone are essential to determine the location of each component of the application. For example, the menu buttons must be in areas fully accessible to the user in any situation. The sides and bottom of the phone are the “ hot ” areas where it is recommended that the action and navigation buttons such as the menus be located. Taking into account this particularity should certainly not affect aesthetics . Being usable does not mean being ugly or tacky. The pleasant and careful design is not at odds with usability . Knowing how to combine both issues is the touchstone for the success of an App and it is that people have a greater predisposition to learn and experiment with something new when they find themselves in an environment that is pleasing to the eye and to the senses. Complying with these little tips when designing an App, based on studies of understanding the mental processes of human beings, can be the difference between success and failure, between passing or staying. And it is that a useful and usable App will be the one that will remain forever installed on a mobile; the rest will become part of the 90 percent of Apps that are deleted three months after being downloaded, according to data from Pew Research Center .



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