
The description, key to position your App

Publishing an App in any of the markets is easy. The complicated thing about the business is to make the App one of the most downloaded. This not only requires a good promotional campaign among our friends, but it must be clearly visible to those who access both the Apple Store and the Google Play . In this, if there is something that differentiates one App from another, it is the description . Traditionally, little or minimum importance has been given to the description of an App, however, it is as or more important than the application itself and its purpose. That’s right, it is no longer enough that the application is useful and interesting for the public, now the description also counts. As has already happened in the Web world, the positioning of an App in stores also has to do with the chosen description. So it’s time to work on it if you don’t want your App to become part of the large group of abandoned applications . One of the points to take into account is, in the case of the Apple Store , that all the attention of the public must be gained in 580 characters. From there it is when the button of “more information” (“more”) appears. That is, the audience must be won over with four sentences; which would be 4 tweets . A text that must be different for each market. While Android’s Google Play locates keywords and indexes them to improve positioning, the Apple Store does not. Therefore, in one we must take more into account the use of keywords in those first sentences, while in the other it could be said that it allows greater flexibility and creativity. Conciseness and precision to launch an effective message. One slogan after another that clearly highlights the value of the App. You have to be creative with this message since only by catching the audience from the beginning will you be closer to downloading. To do this, answering questions such as “ what makes this App different, different from its competitors “, “what will it be used for” or, simply, “what benefit does it bring to people’s lives” can be the pillars of this description. As always, it is good to update the description. This will, on the one hand, hit the final message by polishing it, and, on the other, add relevant aspects such as new functionalities, awards or download volumes. Information that, without a doubt, people will appreciate. So … describe!



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