
Facebook teaches us to be grateful

Being polite and grateful is so easy that sometimes we even forget it. Too many times we take our gratitude for granted or, simply, we think that a favor is an obligation for those around us and we stop giving it the value it deserves. However, by the time the regrets surface, Facebook has decided to give us the solution. Always attentive to offering new functionalities that make us stay connected to the network as much as possible, Facebook has enabled the function “ Say Thanks ” . It is a page where we can edit a small video of thanks to our friends, post it on their wall to give them a pleasant surprise and make our thanks or congratulations public. Easy and fast as to say thank you. With this application, Facebok continues to make progress in implementing new features to help you, your time, to recover a part of users who are no longer attracted to the giant created by Mark Zuckerberg more than a decade ago. The excessive commercialization of the profiles and the consequent shift towards business promotion, doubts about the security in the protection of personal data and, above all, the new communication formulas of the younger generations point to this disenchantment that they must face.



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