
Low-Cost Apps, an intelligent solution

That’s great! You are a born entrepreneur. You take advantage of all the opportunities at your fingertips to publicize your company and now you have decided to create your own commercial App . You have requested a budget from different agencies and … What an investment ! you know why? The prices of a commercial or personal App can reach totally exorbitant amounts depending on the characteristics that you want to implement. It is clear that the hours of programming and design are the ones that most affect the final cost of an App. The greater the complication, the longer and, therefore, more money is going to cost . That is why having app editors that allow you to work on templates can substantially reduce the investment to be made in terms of design. The editable templates allow you to work under a predetermined base that can be customized to give it a totally different look from the initial one. This saves time and money . Starting from scratch is always more expensive, right? The other element that also directly affects the final cost of an App are the functionalities . The more options, the more programming time is needed, and therefore … More money. Therefore, to further reduce the final cost of an App, there are application editors that allow you to couple different functionalities to the base templates. In this way, only by activating the desired function it is already available. Fast, simple and economical since it saves the dreaded and endless hours of programming . Another element that affects the cost of an App is the price to be paid for publication in the different Markets . Well, the asking price and the requirements! Sometimes a notarial act is required to verify the company’s data. So it is not surprising that many stay by the wayside and never publish their App. The way to save also in this section is to trust the Apps edition platforms . They are already registered as developers and, therefore, have this cost practically amortized. Having an App, then, is not so expensive if you know the existing resources . With us, for example, you can have a commercial or personal App for only 25 euros per month . Which is very far from the 2,000 euros that is requested, on average, for a totally custom-made App. So, the next time you think of making an App, don’t hesitate, forget about big investments and trust app publishers like us. Enter the realm of Apps with King of App .



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