
The App that you saw

The great fortune-tellers, observers of the past and predictors of the future, assure that the profession of hunter of tendencies, of “ coolhunter ” goes to be one of the most demanded in the very short term. fashion lovers already have an excuse to download all kinds of applications that help them discern between what will be “in” and what will be “out” in order to show off to friends with the now classic “ I already said it “. Among the multitude of Apps that refer to the world of fashion, there is one that, for the simple fact of making life easier for the curious, deserves a special mention. It is “ Shot & amp; Shop ”, which translated would be “shoot and buy”. The issue is that with this application it is no longer necessary to ask anyone where they have bought a piece of clothing or accessory that we like and want for us. This App solves it for us immediately with just a photo. That’s right, taking a photo the App will tell us what piece it is and where we can buy an identical or as similar as possible to the original. Developed in Spain, free and available for the main operating systems (iOS and Android), Shot & amp; Shop has a wide catalog of clothing items from the main brands. Thus, it includes numerous clothing items and accessories from Calvin Klein, Camper , Converse, Adidas … In addition, Shot & amp; Shop can even act as a personal advisor, recommending the best combinations of garments and colors.



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