
King of App

Returning to normality after the holidays always brings scheduling problems. The clock marks our lives. We are aware of him, of appointments, of not being late and, above all, of how long we must wait. Well, still App you have proposed to give us a solution to the latter. We can finally know how long we should wait before any type of appointment . Yootoome is the first mobile application that tells us how long it will take for our friends, co-workers or appointments of any kind to reach the place where we have met. The uncertainty is over. With this application the uncertainty is over . The idea, like many, was born precisely while its driver was waiting to be picked up at a bar. To pass the time, I have watched the final moments of a basketball game. However, every so often, he had to peek outside the bar to see if his friends had already arrived to take him away. Between one thing and the other, he missed a moment of maximum expectation in the match: the comeback of his team in the final seconds of the match. It was then that he thought it would be great to know when they had arrived so that he could watch the game with complete peace of mind. Knowing that when someone is driving a car it is difficult for them to see a message on their mobile phone and much less answer it or that not everyone has a hands-free device to answer a call, the CEO found in geolocation systems the solution to your waiting problems. And this is how this App works. The user of Yootoome can send a message to his contacts, either individually or in a group, indicating his position and expected time of arrival . With this information, everyone can be organized so that the waiting time is minimal . This is the basic function, to which will soon be added the option of chat or an integration with calendars, especially useful for automating alerts. This App is now available for iOS devices and the version for Android will soon reach the general public.

