
Are you more like mom or dad?

Cheat question where there are. And it is that surely, as in life itself, it is not a matter of loving one more than another but of being worth in their just coexistence. Indeed, we are not talking now about people but about dad phone or mom tablet . Who are you the most? The logical thing is that, as a base, we all respond in unison: from dad. Clearly, without the phone we are nobody and without the tablet, well … The general tendency is to think that with a mobile device is enough and the clearest option is through the smartphone. Either way, calling someone or sending them a message is even more comfortable using a phone than using a tablet or even a 2-in-1 like the phablets (hybrid of tablet and phone). In any case, what tends to be valued is what you can get a greater benefit from at the lowest possible cost and, for the moment, the mobile wins by a landslide. However, tablet sales are increasing year after year. The latest report published by the analyst firm IDC reveals a growth of 6.5% for this year to reach the 233 million units sold . Numbers that are not negligible but are far from both the initial forecasts (set at 12% growth) and the volume of phones sold, which reached 300 million units at the close of the second quarter of this year . But it is that analyzing both consumer trends and social, perhaps, the main competitor of tablets is not the phone. With their similarities, mobile and tablet share space , they coexist in a certain harmony. However, it seems that there is another device that should fear for its position in the market and it is none other than the computer. If desktop devices have already suffered the emergence of portable computers at a reasonable price, it seems that now tablets have arrived to completely ruin the existence of each other. The tablet has entered the fastest route, the one that every invention yearns for. It has accessed our homes and our lives by taking over such an important element in our homes as the sofa, with which the computer has been relegated to its simple use in the professional field. With this, the tablet remains with our leisure and the computer is reserved for work . And we all know that leisure is sacred, so it seems that this war already has, in the long run, a clear winner. And the figures show it, almost as many tablets are sold as computers.



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