
The most fake WhatsApp

No, we will not talk today about fraudulent applications, the kind that use the hook of a well-known brand to take advantage of to put malware on our phones and steal personal and sensitive information. What we want to talk about today in this post is an App that will make us spend fun times with friends: WhatsFake . It is, without a doubt, the most fake WhatsApp of all. Created for the joke and enjoyment of all, it is already known that in the wrong hands it can also be a high-powered throwing weapon. This application allows us to create fake conversations that seem taken from our usual and current WhatsApp account. To do this, once the application is installed, we will be given the option to create conversations where, first, we must mark the name of the recipient that we want to simulate. Then, step by step, we will be the ones who will write each and every one of the messages that should make up the conversation. Once this is done, the charade is ready to be shared with friends. It is obvious that an application of these characteristics can be the result of interesting jokes where we simulate private conversations both with other friends and with famous people from whom we want to presume that we have their contact and a close relationship. Using this application for other purposes is something that remains in the ethical code of each one.



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