
Scream but watch your voice

The good weather is coming and you are festival meat. Concert nights and thousands of lyrics to sing from the rooftops. Then in the morning, your vocal cords don’t respond to you as they should. You get hoarse every weekend. You may need this mobile app . Launched in collaboration with three hospitals, the Ramón y Cajal in Madrid , the Puerta del Mar in Cádiz and the Central de Asturias , last 16 April, international day of the voice, its main objective is to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of our vocal cords in the face of the attacks they suffer every day. “No one is safe from being affected by any of the pathologies that affect the voice,” said the head of the Otorhinolaryngology service at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital on the day of the presentation of this App. Therefore, the different specialists who have collaborated in its development have wanted to make available to all users a tool to know how to take care of it and what to do when they start to suffer any discomfort, no matter how small. In this sense, the App offers from basic advice to prevent some diseases and take care of the voice, as well as a tutorial in which symptoms that require a visit to a specialist can be consulted. In addition, this application allows you to listen to the voices that denote some of the most frequent pathologies such as cordectomy, cancer, polyps or cysts; as well as videos of them. “ Take care of your voice ” is currently available for mobiles with Andoid operating system.



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