
Good behavior award

The back to school is the true end of summer and the beginning of everyday life. A first day of school that is also the origin of something as common as seeing the house turns into chaos and household chores an impossible mission to accomplish. Or that was the case until the arrival of Apps . With the beginning of the school year, the afternoons of holidays give way to study hours, homework and extracurricular activities. However, this is no excuse to put aside such elementary issues as collaborating, for example, in housekeeping tasks . A very fun way to assign these tasks is by using mobile apps and in this, Family Team stands out. Thanks to this App , available for both iOs and Android phones, we can plan household chores as if it were a game in which both children and adults can (and should) participate. In this way, you can establish and plan the different tasks – from clearing the table to brushing your teeth or scrubbing or ironing shirts – to, at the end of the day, see if they have been done or not. Depending on the fulfillment of these tasks, each individual in the family will get great rewards . To do this, the main thing is to create a team , choosing the members that make it up and uploading a photo of each of them. Then you have to create the tasks and assign a number of points for doing them that can then be redeemed for rewards . For example, for the prize “going to the movies” you can set to get 750 points at the end of the week or for “play the console for 1 hour” 500 points, and as we see fit. Then, you will have to assign each of the tasks to each member of the group and let’s play! At the end of the day you can see if, for example, you have scored points for brushing your teeth or removing dishes from the table; tasks that add points but that, if not done, subtract them . All to get to the figure that allows good behavior to be exchanged for a magnificent prize. So, what has been said, to plan, to work, to play and to have fun that next summer is still a long way off.



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