Beyond the Enlightened Hypterism (or not so much) that surrounds us. Beyond beards and bearded men , November is a month of solidarity. The initiative is called Movember and consists of growing a mustache this month. So that? To raise awareness about testicular and prostate cancer. It is possible that for many, the impact of growing a mustache can be shocking, so an App gives the possibility of, while growing, being able to simulate the appearance that we will have with a mustache. The App in question is called BoothStache . With it we can recreate on our face (or wherever we want) the impact of a mustache. For this, it has different models to choose from so that we can play freely with our appearance; something that Privi & amp; Co developers are more than used to. Available for iOs and Android terminals, the operating mechanism is very simple. Just take a photo and start applying mustaches at will. To play, the App has seven different mustache models , ranging from the finest to large and prominent mustaches. And to round off the App, it allows us to save and share our new look on Twitter or Facebook. A simulated image, which we hope will start from December because this month you have to grow your mustache .



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