
The streaming war

Twitter acquired this week, or at least this has been made public, the company Periscope , an App for smartphones specialized in video broadcasting; a purchase that adds to the inclusion of Vine in its system to share videos of few seconds. This, however, has been one more step for the big companies to take over their particular streaming service. But why are Twitter, Facebook , Apple or Google so interested in this type of service? The content and the way of transmitting it has become king; in the great dominator and source of income for the main technology companies. Nobody wants to be left behind and video is going strong among the new generations. “Why tell it when you can see it or show it” would be the prevailing maxim in the current effervescence of data transmission . The photos are out of date. It is evident that Apps like Instagram or ephemeral messaging services like Snapchat still have a strong circulation but vertigo takes hold of users and many demand greater dynamism. The still image does not serve their purposes and traditional videos are too “ boring “, “ old “, “ outdated ” … It is no longer worth teaching it, you have to show life as it happens and that is in motion; and there is to be able to offer it with the maximum immediacy possible. Users are clamoring to share their experiences live or with the minimum “ delay ” possible. And faced with this need, streaming services are the new golden cup that everyone wants to achieve. Acquiring video services is therefore the next big step that the leading technology companies have taken. The war has already started for months and its resolution promises to be exciting. For now, the new Twitter acquisition ensures that it will allow users to “ see the world through the eyes of another person “.



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