
“Ignore No More”, the nightmare of any child

There are more and more minors and, above all, teenagers, who have a mobile phone, and many do not like to answer their parents’ call, either because they are shopping with their friends or because they are in the middle of an important game with their console . Tired of her children ignoring her calls when she tried to communicate with them, a mother from Texas (USA) has invented a paid app called “Ignore no More” for devices with Android operating system that locks the mobile in case the owner does not respond , giving them the only possibility to unlock it again if they call back their parents or guardians. Its operation is quite simple: the application is installed to the child’s device from Google Play and is configured with a password. In the event that the mobile phone is locked, the user will have no choice but to contact their parents so that they can provide the unlock code. In this way, parents manage to manage their children’s device remotely, preventing them from browsing the Internet or using WhatsApp while always respecting their privacy, since they do not have access to that information stored in the owner’s mobile as pictures or messages. As expected, this app is generating mixed reviews. Some think the idea is great, but others think it is too controlling a tool. However, this is what many parents look for when it comes to keeping their children at bay. Or maybe funny colleagues who want to play tricks on us or the boyfriend / girlfriend who wants to know how we are at all costs will also end up using it. In any case, it is undoubtedly an app that we must know how to use correctly. Do not let the control escape from your hands!



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