
Record, edit and share

Like that magical movie ticket that in “ The last great hero ”allowed its young protagonist to enter and live in the film of his favorite actor. Being part of a movie is the desire of many and as being part of one is only available to a select few, the home video is and will be the greatest of placebos. For fans, creating their own film is much more than they have ever dreamed of, however, Apps are the perfect way to achieve unique and personal creations. Video editing does not have to be complicated or require high knowledge if the expected result is not professional. Relying on applications where a small montage is allowed, adding an original soundtrack or effects has already been common in the world of photography so why not do the same in the world of video? A bit like Instagram but with animated images, Videona offers us the possibility to create our own videos making them something personal and original. On a video recorded by us, this App will allow us to edit the images, include background music and special effects between frames, as well as add image filters during recording. A compendium of options that will make our videos much more attractive that will make us want to share them on all social networks to show them to our friends and contacts. Actions that will also help us win trophies and recognitions within the application itself so that, in this way, we get a reward in the form of reward for a job well done. Developed by a group of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Madrid , this application is available for mobile Andoid and the beta version is free to download.



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