
From the Pin to the App

We have recently published some posts aimed at explaining positioning techniques for an App in the different markets. Applying ASO criteria is, however, only a small part of the actions to be taken so that an App does not swell the forgotten lists. promotion is also key and social networks play an essential role in this. Facebook and Twitter are perhaps the best known so many have striven to find alternatives that give them greater specialization and, therefore, reach a much more specific target audience. This is the case with Pinterest . Thought as a social network focused on sharing images under specific categories (classified “ pins “), Pinterest has earned the reputation of being a place where you can find quality content but without reach the extreme specialization of platforms such as Behance promoted by Adobe and very focused on the professional collective of designers. And this is what App developers can take to give their products greater relevance. The recent agreement between Apple and Pinterest confirms this. App pins is the brand under which both companies have joined efforts so that the users of both benefit, in principle. With this new service, the Pinterest user can download Apps directly from the social network without having to go to the Apple Store to get them. Benefit for both, as well as a feeling that the downloaded App is of quality or at least endorsed by the approval of a good number of followers who support it by sharing them on their respective walls. With App pins what you want, in the end, is to try to get a greater and better selection of applications since the two main markets (Apple Store and Google Play ) are, more and more, becoming a mixed bag where finding the App you need is more and more difficult. With almost one and a half million Apps in each market, knowing how to choose and even that the search engines themselves offer reliable results becomes an arduous task. Therefore, accepting the collaboration of third parties in this is one of the solutions adopted, this time, by Apple. Exclusivity In the absence of seeing how the users of both react, what is good about this new function is that, for the moment, the Apps downloaded via Pinterest are free of costs which, on some occasions, is still one more what nice news. The bad news is for Android device users who, for the moment, will not have this option available. Apparently, Apple would have shielded the exclusivity of the service for a period of no less than one year.



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