
FOBO, the fear that emerges

New technologies have contributed a lot to making life easier for us. However, they have also generated new pathologies. To the already known nomophobia, the dependence on the mobile phone, now the FOBO is added; fear of being disconnected. FOBO responds to the English acronym for Fear of Being Offline and it has been demonstrated as a psychic pathology that is being installed among the younger public. The intense online life of many of us, with social profiles open on almost all platforms, has only been the point of origin that fuels this fear of missing an update or comment. Facebook already alerted you recently by revealing that 70% of those under 24 years of age need to be permanently connected. The anxiety generated by being able to run out of battery or without Wi-Fi access is the main trigger for this new fear. A fear that has managed to unseat television as the main means of distraction for young people: 60 % say they prefer to stay without a TV rather than without a mobile phone . And it is that the mobile has already become the gateway for many of us to the virtual world. Access to social networks is now mostly mobile and many of the searches for immediate information are also made from our smartphones. Only in case of needing to expand this information is when we go to the computer. Access to social networks is the main use that young people make of their phones. According to this study published by Facebook, practically half of American adolescents say they cannot be without them , and even feel lost without them. A proportion that rises to 69% in Indonesia.



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