
Facebook wants to be Pepito Cricket

Facebook may soon become a kind of Pepito Cricket that protects us from the possibility of publishing inappropriate content and save us from possible embarrassing situations. The idea is to develop artificial intelligence engines to advise us in case we are about to make a fatal mistake. As announced by Yann LeCun in an interview with the magazine Wired the lines of investigation that are followed on Facebook are aimed at improving aspects related to the detection of human behavior. This is intended to warn the user when he is about to publish certain types of “embarrassing” content . The algorithms on which Facebook works have already borne their first fruits by achieving an extremely effective facial recognition system (with 97% effectiveness it is almost as perfect as the brain human). However, from there to getting this kind of personal assistant that is capable of recognizing human behavior there are still months of research. At the moment, the team that leads LeCun is applying algorithms that examine the general behavior of users to identify the appropriate content for each News Feed, and as soon as they analyze the texts that are written in the Status posts, they can recommend Relevant hashtags, notes Wired magazine. If this personal assistant is fully developed, Facebook will delve a little deeper into ethics and morals issues; at the same time that it will reignite an important debate on the control in its publications and the censorship that applies on them. And is that control over content has become one of the priorities for the company that Mark Zuckerberg has led for more than a decade.



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