
F5: “Eight easy ways to create your own ‘app’ without having a clue of programming”

King of App, the “WordPress” of apps, is postulated as the standard for visual creation of mobile apps

The motto of this Spanish startup is very clear: “The WordPress of apps “. With an easy and intuitive menu, more than fifty modules that allow you to customize the application and the fact that it is open source CMS, that is, it allows access to the code whenever you want to do changes, make it one of the platforms to take more into account.

Create a web page and provide it with the desired design and functionality without having any programming knowledge, generate a custom logo for our project from scratch without knowing an iota of graphic design or make a 3D animation without even having ever heard the words Autodesk , Cinema 4D or Houdini , it is perfectly possible. The same is already the case with mobile applications. As with the platforms that help to create websites, logos or animations, the tools that we find to create our apps without having any idea of ​​programming are quite simple, intuitive and with a level of depth limited , which obviously does not happen with those focused on a professional result. However, if your financial capacity is limited and you are willing to invest some time in creating an app that serves to publicize your idea, take a walk through any of these eight platforms created expressly to help you get a native application for iOS and Android through a few easy steps, as with King of App To see the rest of the article, you can access here .



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