
The video we would have liked to make

It is no longer so much about being a fan or not of Game of Thrones . It is no longer that we believe Hootsuite is a good or bad tool. What it is about today is recognizing a good job ; that we got long teeth when we saw it; that we would have liked to have done it and they did it; that this is indeed a school video; that it is very much our style; that says a lot in a little; that we love it, period. This is the video that the people of Hootsuite released a few months ago to promote their comprehensive social media management services. And it’s true, they are the kings in this. Its platform is ideal if you want to automate a series of campaigns and, although there is nothing like manual control, it can help more than one community in their task. We like how they have done it because their philosophy is very similar to ours: bringing together different services under the same umbrella. They, the network management, we the information about them. In a way, Hootsuite is a manager, we are a showcase . With both it is possible to combine networks, blogs, websites … Everything so that the personal or brand image shines as much as possible. We both want to be useful tool and differentiating; We both want to be the King. Well, we actually want you to be the King (or Queen) and your App to be your reign . So how would they say in Game of Thrones … The King is Coming 😉 -Although it may have already arrived: enter the Kingdom of Apps – To enjoy!



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