August’s days are numbered. Actually they have them every month but this one is especially delicate since finishing it is traditionally the end of the holidays . There is very little left to resume the normal activity of the year and it is normal for a certain anguish to appear. So that the arrival of September, of autumn, does not take away your sleep, the world of Apps also has a solution available. Perhaps one of the most famous Apps is SleepCycle which apart from working as an alarm clock is capable of collecting a series of relevant data on how we sleep. With these data, set an alarm to wake you up in the lightest sleep phase, which makes your feeling of rest much greater. Another App that experts recommend is Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson . This acts as a spiritual guide since it offers meditation techniques that will surely relax us to be able to fall asleep more easily. The guide is done by podcast. Lastly, for those of you who don’t mind sleeping with ambient sound, SleepSounds is the perfect App. Hours of relaxing music to sleep soundly. To sleep well, yes, but that September does not catch you asleep!



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