
What we expect from the Mobile World Congress and 4YFN 2017

The Mobile World Congress is a world reference event and last year it exceeded 100,000 visitors during its celebration. This year the MWC will be held again in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2, 2017 at Fira Gran Vía and we are looking forward to it starting to continue learning and discovering the possibilities that technology offers us. During the Mobile World Congress hundreds of participating companies related to the mobile sector will gather, as it is the largest international mobile technology congress. It will bring together the most important companies in the sector, such as Samsung: one of the most anticipated each year. At King of App we do not want to miss this celebration and we will bring many news with us. In addition, we will also be present at the 4YFN event. If you still don’t know it, this event was organized in parallel to MWC three years ago, to help entrepreneurs and startups to promote their products and to meet partners and investors. This year will be its third edition and will be part of the official program of the Mobile World Congress , although it will be held in a different place; at the Montjuïc fairgrounds. It’s just over a month before it starts and while we wait we’ll tell you what our expectations are for the big technology events in Barcelona.

These are our goals for the Mobile World Congress and 4YFN

Learn from the experts

Both the Mobile World Congress and the 4YFN will be attended by prominent personalities from the world of technology such as Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) or Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia). There are thousands of things that we can learn from great entrepreneurs like them and also from the companies that will be present at the stands. Our goal is to soak up knowledge to be able to apply it in our day to day.

Discover the latest news

Some manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC or Huawei take advantage of the Mobile World Congress to present their latest products or innovations. What will they have in store for this year? It is important for us to keep up to date with trends, since this way we can adapt the use of our platform to the devices that appear.


The essential and most important thing for us to take into account in this event is to make ourselves known and at the same time discover other interesting companies or projects with which we can collaborate or share our impressions. This year more than 2,200 companies will exhibit their projects. Networking will be the key piece on which we will base ourselves during the days we are in Barcelona.

Let us surprise

We still cannot foresee what the MWC will surprise us with this year, but we are sure that we will return to Madrid with great ideas and creativity on the surface. As we have already mentioned, these events mark the opportunity for many companies to present their new products, but the Mobile World Congress and 4YFN are much more than that. They are 4 days full of lectures, presentations, competitions, exhibitors and thousands of ideas that open our minds and make us discover everything that is going to come in the future. We are open to everything and we want to be surprised.

Keep growing

Last year King of App grew thanks to the trust of investors and users. We owe this growth in part to the 4YFN event, since thanks to it we were able to make ourselves known and later get funding for the program Horizonte2020 . How could it be otherwise, this year we do not want to remain unemployed, but to continue growing and expanding our activity. Our ultimate goal is to make ourselves known, so that anyone who wants to create an app and does not know how to do it, knows our platform and has a solution adapted to their needs. Between February 27 and March 2, 2017 we will be in Barcelona surrounded by mobiles, technology and much more. During the rest of the year we will also attend other events and we will tell you first-hand our experience in each of them. We would love the opportunity to meet everyone who attends these exciting events, so if you are one of them do not hesitate to contact us. And you, what do you expect from the Mobile World Congress and 4YFN 2017? See you in Barcelona! Sara Choya – King of App Writing



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