
Underwood revives

Yes, Tom Hanks has also wrapped the blanket around his head and has launched himself into the world of Apps . And he has done it by publishing an application for iPad that will delight both the most nostalgic and the retro. Lover and collector as he is of typewriters, it is no coincidence that the App that he has promoted focuses on this already hipster fetish. HanxWriter is a typewriter emulator > so that as the actor himself assures in an article published in the USAToday “ now we can write so calmly in a coffee shop making a really annoying noise ”. Although deep down, it must be recognized that the typing of a typewriter can become, today, in a world of tactile and silent keyboards, to some extent something pleasant not only for Hanks. The application recreates, in its basic version, both the aesthetics and faithfully the sound of those old typewriters. The Underwood and Olivetti reappear from the hand of this App with the advantages of being able to apply modern and everyday elements for us such as the option to erase what has been written because in this project the old meets the new. In order to perfectly reproduce the sounds and characteristics of each of the typewriters, Tom Hanks himself, a famous collector with more than 200 in his possession, provided several example models. Initially, it is only available for Apple devices and if you want to enjoy the full range of possibilities, you will have to pay about 3 euros. Still, the basic version is free.



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