
Twitter, that’s how it was born

Imagine the following scenario: You work every day but at night instead of resting, you dedicate your hours to developing, together with several friends, a side project in which you have high hopes. Five years later, your project has become one of the most important communication technologies of the last 100 years. In short, this is the story of Twitter . Twitter started as an idea by Jack Dorsey in 2006 based on creating an SMS delivery system. This idea was raised with Evan Williams and Biz Stone , from the Odeo company, and they encouraged him to develop the idea. The first message was broadcast on March 21, 2006 at 9:50 p.m. It was “ just setting up my twttr ” (something like “setting my Twttr”). From there, to grow and to grow! And since we know that it is Friday, that you do not really want to read and that the weekend arrives, we leave you here a video in which the history of Twitter is explained through illustrations.



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