
The life cycle of an iPhone

We are born, we grow, we reproduce and we die. This is the cycle of life and … if we apply it to mobile phones? Well, there are those who have decided to solve this question and have done so by recording a short film where he reveals all the ins and outs of the life cycle of a mobile phone; in this case an iPhone . The artist who has launched this idea is Paul Trillo , actor and director based in New York. Using the famous App for video recording and editing Cameo has produced a story determined to reveal the life and death of an iPhone ( The Life an Death of an iPhone ) . Taking each shot from the point of view of the telephone, the recording runs from Foxconn factories in China to the hands of an avid owner who gives it all kinds of uses until his death and reincarnation. The video can be found on Vimeo but we have decided to make it easy and also post it on our blog. To enjoy!



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