
If you drink, don’t use your mobile

After the “airplane mode”, comes the “ drunk mode “. As it is. This is how its developer has baptized this App designed especially for those who let alcohol take over their actions and prevent them from falling into the most utter ridiculous. This practical App for unscrupulous of the drink combined with the mobile prevents actions of immediate regret from being committed once the veil of alcohol disappears. No unwelcome messages or calls. Drunk Mode does nothing more than defuse those temptations that can ruin a great hangover morning . Joshua Anton , its creator, defines it, in statements to the newspaper The Telegraph , in a more than graphic way:” It’s like a condom for your phone A condom allows you to have sex and have fun, but without the story ending in pregnancy. It keeps you safe. ” When activating this App, those contacts likely to make a huge mistake if called or sent a message under the influence of alcohol disappear immediately. Neither fathers, nor mothers, nor ex-partners, nor bosses; our contact list completely devoid of dangers. But not only that, beyond making these contacts invisible, and in anticipation of the maximum temptation, this App is also capable of blocking messaging applications such as WhatsApp , Messenger or Snapchat to prevent compromising or embarrassing photos from being posted. During the period of activity of the App, which can be modulated between three and twelve hours, Drunk Mode also disappears from the phone screen so that we cannot easily reverse our drunk insurance. To do this, the App asks us to solve a mathematical equation. To round off the App, Drunk Mode is also able to offer us a map showing where you have been the night before. However, and beyond these preventive measures, it is always best to follow a useful advice that is useful for so many situations in life: “ If you drink, don’t do it “.



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