
Be like Kim, make yourself a personal App

The world of Apps is as vast as the variety of themes and uses that could be given to it. As a rule, mobile applications are divided into three major groups: to play, to promote a business and as a tool to improve performance. However, there is a fourth group, less exploited, but tremendously useful: the personal App . Celebrities around the world have begun to walk this path. The latest was supermodel Kim Kardashian. His App has been a great success and in three months has raised more than 40 million euros. About 23 million people have downloaded it. In the case of the Kim Kardashian App, a video game has been chosen. The plot involves shopping, accumulating points on a catwalk, creating the best look in addition to attending social events and conducting photo shoots. Come on, that would be part of this celebrity’s busy schedule. Beyond the theme and style chosen, the data in this App encourages anyone: it has earned more revenue than other games developed by the same company ( Glu Mobile ); 22.8 million downloads; 1.2 billion sessions started and more than 5.7 billion minutes of play in total. And best of all, the forecast to reach the 200 million in revenue. The app, called Kim Kardashian Hollywood , is available on both the App Store as in Google Play . Other personalities such as Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, David Hasselhoff and T-Pain, among others, join the list of celebrities with their own video game. However, for more mundane people , there are other options to promote yourself using a mobile app. And to be close to the fans, the use of social networks has risen as the best of tools. Linking these accounts to an App where fans can find all kinds of related content is an easy and simple formula to be close to fans thanks to mobile technology. At King of App we offer you this opportunity and we do it at a more than competitive price, because we know that not everyone has the accounts of the Kardashian.



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