
Push notifications: uses and advantages of including them in your app

The technological world is constantly evolving. Every day new devices, smartphones and mobile applications appear and, sometimes it is difficult to keep up and find out everything that happens around us. One of the terms that we constantly hear is push notifications . Do you really know what it means? First of all, you have to understand the difference between push and pull : in pull technology, it is the client who initiates the communication, while with push notifications, it is the server that initiates communication without the user doing anything.

What are push notifications?

push notifications are the communications that are sent from a remote server and received by the devices that have the app installed. The immediacy is the most remarkable thing in this type of notifications, since we do not have to update or run the application for the information to reach us. This communication with the users of our app allows us to have a constant and close relationship with them. There are different uses that we can give to these notifications and many advantages, both for the company that created the app, and for the end user of it.

Uses of push notifications

The options for using push notifications are very wide: communicating news, news, events … It all depends on the objective we seek. Blackberry was the first device to implement push technology. It did it when receiving emails automatically, without the need for the user to enter the inbox of the app. Currently there are many applications that have incorporated push notifications in their functionality, since they represent a very interesting tool in the field of marketing and can bring great benefits. They constitute a direct line of communication between the user and the brand or company behind the application and with them we can send them information on, for example: breaking news, special promotions depending on the product or segmented offers based on the user tastes. Regarding the formats, push notifications can include sounds or vibration, alerts or banners. If these formats are interactive, they can increase the user’s response, since it will attract more attention through images or messages that seek their response. App Notificaciones Push

Advantages of push notifications

They reach a greater number of users

We spend a lot of time connected to our mobile and, for that reason, it is logical that it is easier to reach our audience through these immediate messages instead of with other channels. Even if you have the application closed, you will continue to receive the information we want to send.

Customize the message

Push notifications favor the segmentation and personalization of the information that is sent. Depending on the objective we have or the audience we want to address, we may include specific words or links that facilitate communication. The server controls the data that has been previously collected to send the appropriate information to each segment and increases the open rate by 50%.

Increase loyalty

When someone downloads our application, they accept whether or not they want to receive these types of alerts. Users who agree to receive them generate a much lower bounce rate of the message and the conversion rate increases considerably. In addition, the customization that we have already talked about also causes these notifications to not be rejected, because unwanted messages are avoided and only what may be of interest to the recipient is communicated.

Allow automation

Some means automate push notifications using segmentation, personalization, and geolocation. In this way we can automate the messages we send and personalize the content, the time of delivery and the place according to the public to whom we intend this communication. Push notifications also bring benefits to customers

They are immediate

The user does not need to continually check the app or be using it at that time for notifications to arrive. Besides, he will be the first to find out what you like; since it allows access to offers and xclusive or to information on everything that is of interest to you.

Save battery

As it is not necessary to make regular inquiries or update the app, push notifications save on resources and mobile battery. Although it may seem like a less important advantage, it does have one for the consumer. You will not have to continually use your smartphone or consume energy. The app sector does not stop growing and we cannot lose sight of the innovations that are made in it and that can help us improve our position in the market and strengthen the relationship we have with users.

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App Notificaciones Push



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