
Offline translation via App

A few days ago we talked about an App that allowed you to keep a travel diary without having to be connected to a wi-fi network (or mobile data); Well, taking advantage of the fact that it is in summer when we go abroad the most, today we want to echo a matching translator. It is an open source App that will help us move and make ourselves understood where our knowledge of the language does not reach. Mitzuli is the perfect application to move around almost any country without having to consume our rate of data or of being aware of a Wi-Fi connection to be able to express ourselves in English, French, Urdu, Italian and even Esperanto. The language catalog is practically unlimited, which makes it especially interesting for any type of traveler. The greatest feature of this application, beyond being open source, and therefore collaborative updating, is that it works offline allowing us to enter any word either by voice dictation , by photography or by typing it. To make it work without an internet connection, the application allows us to download the dictionaries that we are going to use so that they are always available. In short, it is an easy-to-use App that can be very useful when others, perhaps more famous, do not serve us due to their obligatory connectivity.



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