The most veteran will surely be remembered. It was the tool that definitely transformed the Internet and practically our way of understanding the world. His name was Napster and for years he was the great music guru and forerunner of the culture of free file sharing in the world. net. His simple idea of ​​ sharing music files among users collided head-on with the established and was the germ of the hyperconnectivity that now surrounds us. With his disappearance, many were left orphans in search of new options and of course they found them. However, the different options to download mp3 files gave way to the more current listening to music online. In this field, evidently, the proposals followed one another until the two great dominators of the market arrived: Spotify and Youtube and converting streaming music into something habitual and everyday. However, having files somewhere remote and inaccessible has its detractors. For them, and for video clips lovers, this App can be a great option. Tubidy is a mobile application whose function is to facilitate the downloading of files from Youtube to a phone without the need to install any program . Agility and ease of use are its main attributes to gain a foothold in the market. Likewise, Tubidy also has the option to download only the audio of the videos found. So there is no longer an excuse to continue filling your phones with music (whether or not it is recommended).



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