
Microsoft signs up to Open Source

The Open Source is the future and the present. open source platforms are emerging every day and a giant like Microsoft has also jumped on the bandwagon. He has done it with the launch of a browser, EdgeHTML . But this is not going to be the only open source release this month. Guess who’s going to be next? The Microsoft browser works with technologies that are well known to the vast majority of developers: JavaScript, HTML and CSS ; three languages ​​that allow anyone to create their own browser and that in King of App will also be protagonists with the launch of the new version of our CMS to create Apps . EdgeHTML comes with basic functionalities that each developer can play with and modify at will. The browser , its code, can already be found posted on GitHub for the enjoyment of those who want to have one tailored to their needs. At the moment, Microsoft has released a basic version in which a button panel is offered to be able to navigate, the favorites section, the address bar and practical questions such as keyboard shortcuts or a full screen view. As reported, for the moment, its optimization is intended for Windows OS and it does not seem that it will be compatible, from the outset, with other platforms or operating systems. To keep up to date with this release and its evolution, a Twitter account ( @MSEdgeDev ) has been set up where everything related to the development of this browser will be written.



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