
King of App to the Mobile World Congress

We continue to crusade. When we have not yet finished our campaign for American lands with Startups Mansion , a new challenge opens up before our eyes. This is the Mobile World Congress which will be held in Barcelona next March and which we will attend as exhibitors. Once again the work done so far has paid off. King of App we have been selected to represent the technology sector of Catalonia in the largest global event in the mobile telephony sector. Together with 50 other companies, we will be able to show the world what we are capable of, what our vision is and where we want to lead the world of creating commercial and personal Apps . We are still small but we will try to give the bell. We want to expand the kingdom and the best of opportunities are planted before us. More than 85,000 attendees but also almost 2,000 exhibitors from which to learn and with whom it will be necessary to fight to gain a foothold, to attract attention and establish ourselves as one of the focal points of attention. It will be complicated but this is our intention. Some will say that March 2015 is still a long way off but time is short and we have a lot to prepare. Stay tuned because the news has only just begun. See you at MWC2015! [Descargar nota de prensa] [Descarregar nota de premsa] [Download Press release]



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