
Kevlar: Batman, weapons … and mobiles

The search does not stop. Achieving longer lasting batteries is the goal of researchers, mobile phone manufacturers and also Apps developers. The continued use of our smartphones makes many of our daily processes depend on their durability. After several inventions, some more successful than others, the penultimate attempt at satisfactory results would have come with Kevlar . Material commonly associated with the arms industry as it is a component of the most advanced bulletproof vests or certain types of weapons, its specific characteristics seem to have an important impact on the mobile telephony industry. . With it they have been able to manufacture lithium batteries much smaller and more durable than the current ones. This has been shown by researchers at University of Michigan that they could have made batteries of smaller size and maximum capacity using the Kevlar as basic material. Also, batteries that would not only be more durable but would also charge much faster than current ones. This advance has aroused the interest of numerous companies in the mobile telephony sector eager to achieve greater performance from the options offered by smartphones today. So much so, that the researchers themselves would have already formalized the constitution of their own company, Elegus Technologies , which would be able to deliver the first units of these new batteries from next year . We will see which phones will be the first to adopt this technology. By the way, the Batman suit is also made of kevlar …



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