
Hydrogen, gasoline for your phone

grafen or batteries that last forever, pocket chargers for an emergency and others that recharge our mobile in 30 seconds, batteries … everything is viable in order to extend the life of our beloved s phones. Well, now the penultimate invention has arrived: hydrogen refills . Although still in the testing period it is already possible to charge the battery of our phones using a hydrogen battery . To do this, it uses a chemical reaction by which it converts hydrogen into water which, in turn, releases the electrons that will charge the battery of our smartphon e. The gadge t in question is called Up p and it is a kind of external battery with connection US B. Up p is made up of two pieces. In one are the components electric s and in another a series of magnets. All this covered with a special type of metal to avoid that the was l of hydrogen that it carries inside (titanium, zirconi or, vanadium, iron, chromium, manganese and hydrogen) do not explode as we have read in the specialized portal Xatak a . co m based on information published by the newspaper The guardian . It is not that the risk of exploding is high but the company itself recommends special care when using this battery and that it be used in ventilated places. Each of these pieces has a cost of 3 5 pounds -po r is currently only marketed in the UK UK -. Beyond whether it will really be a useful element or not , the truth is that manufacturers are only looking for new alternatives and solutions to a problem that is increasing: the low durability of the batteries of mobile phones depending on the massive use we give them.



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