
You have to be careful

You see blurry. The hours spent in front of all kinds of screens seem to have begun to take their toll on you. Those glasses that have been with you so much are beginning to be useful. Maybe you need a check-up but you don’t have time to go to the eye doctor if it is not strictly necessary. Well, several Apps will help you know if you really suffer from vision loss and the visit to the ophthalmologist cannot wait. One of the most prestigious clinics in eye treatment, the Clínica Barraquer , has developed an App that allows you to carry out different vision tests in a personalized way. Each user will be able to perform color blindness, astigmatism, visual field and even the AMSLER grid tests as well as attend different questionnaires and image tests. Another reference in ophthalmological research, the Fernández Vega Ophthalmological Institute , has also sponsored the development of another application. Under the name EyeVega it also allows routine and control tests such as recognition, anticipation or investment tests. With either of these two Apps we can have a first impression about the state of health of our vision but, obviously, they are not, at all, a substitute for a good eye examination carried out by specialists but an element that can go well when deciding -se for attending a consultation.



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