
Google will improve user privacy

On March 15, Google will eliminate or limit the visibility of millions of mobile applications in the Android app store, Play Store . The lack of user privacy in many applications has led the American company to clean up its store. There have already been many who have supported Google in this witch burn, such as Jack Cooney , creator of the Hip Hop Ninja! application
“I think it’s a great idea; this will remove thousands of junk apps and zombies from Google Play, and our games will find greater visibility in the store, as search terms will be much less cluttered. ”
At the end of last year, the run run began and what seemed like a rumor, became a reality last February, when Google confirmed the news. The first to find out were those who had applications within the Play Store , who received an email detailing the changes to be made. With this, Google will be able to kill two birds with one stone, and the Play Store is nine years old , accumulating a large number of zombie applications . The term zombie application refers to those that are in the application stores but that are almost “disappeared”. That is, since they are not improved for a while, they are filled with errors that are not fixed; they have not received updates or do not have more than 10 opinions , among other things. The main concern of Google about the privacy of users who download apps is the data that they give to the application , such as the contact guide > or photo gallery , so, to continue being visible within the Play Store, you will have to adhere to the new Google privacy policy or stop collecting this data . Also Apple announced that it was going to carry out a cleanup within the App Store , also ensuring the privacy of user data in iOS Why are both Apple and Google going to carry out these actions almost at the same time? The answer comes from Europe . All applications that process personal data, both iOS and Android , will have to comply with the new European Data Protection Regulation and with the LSSICE . Although this new regulation will not come into force until next year, Google begins to advance work so that the bull does not get caught. In order to pass the screening, it is necessary to create this link with the entire privacy policy, both in the Play Store file and within the application. In order to include it in the Play Store tab, the following steps must be carried out:
  1. Go to Google Play Developer Console .
  2. Select your application .
  3. Select the Play Store tab .
  4. In the “Privacy Policy” section, enter the URL where the online privacy policy is hosted.
  5. Select Save draft (new applications) or Send update (current applications).
One of the great beneficiaries of this cleaning will be the programmers . In the application market, where Android accounts for the highest percentage, getting visibility is difficult. Now, with continuing to apply both ASO strategies < / strong> like optimization, compliant apps will greatly increase your visibility. The characteristics that zombie applications should have has already been mentioned, so if they disappear, users will be another of the most benefited. They will have fewer applications to choose from, but with a higher quality : more ratings, more security …

With Google removing so many apps, it’s the perfect time to create your own with King of App



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