
The lettering is cool

1899 / 5000 Resultados de traducción lettering is in fashion. Be it an artistic trend or the recognition of these calligraphy classes that we all did as children, the truth is that the taste for well-written words floods us. Attentive to this phenomenon, the Portuguese Joao Brandao has launched an App that will delight everyone. Calligraphy Practice is an App specially designed to be used on a tablet that teaches us tips and tutorials for learn the best calligraphic techniques . But rest assured, we will not use pencils or brushes to practice but we will do it with our own hands. Designed for both expert users and beginners , it presents different levels of practice depending on each profile. The former are given a free bar to experiment on a blank piece of paper; the latter are offered a series of guides so that, by following them, they obtain the desired calligraphy. According to the application developer himself, it has an “easy drawing system and an advanced brush tool that allows its use to be natural and intuitive “. And this video proves it: A good way to enter the world of lettering but also to practice on an electronic device. Who knows if thanks to this application we will one day be able to see a worthy successor to the master Seb Lester . Who is Seb Lester? I better leave you a video and … enjoy!



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