
Four things to give to your worst enemy

It is clear that Christmas awakens in us a certain compulsive passion for gifts. The same every year, so we need to search listings like this to humbly save ourselves from the hard work of coming up with the perfect gift. We believe in the magic of the lists and therefore we have prepared one for you: the one with the best gifts for your worst enemy (it cannot be said that every success will be a pure coincidence). One of the best gifts that we think you can give your worst enemy this Christmas is an extra battery for your mobile . Yes, we already know that perhaps the panic to stay offline is much more pleasant to imagine when it comes to your enemy but isn’t it better to know that thanks to this extra battery you can be called at all hours disturbing your Christmas rest days? Right, maybe this gift is too cruel ; not so much for the enemy as for his family. Since the invisible friend is also an important part of the Christmas tradition, here is an idea that also will not cost you too much money. Surely your enemy will never expect you to give him: a block of “ post-its “. A fan of reminder Apps, because “they are the best” and a staunch defender of the usefulness of Evernote, to see if he is able to know what they are for. Perhaps with this gift you will be labeled crappy and greedy . To avoid this, you can always go for personalized coffee mugs. And you will think, for an enemy? Yes, for an enemy a cup of coffee can be a deadly object. Eager to release it, to put it to use, drinking coffee at all hours will become part of his most personal habit. Coffee and more coffee to keep you awake and active, to increase your productivity doses to the limit of being named employee of the month , of the year, favorite son of the board of directors. More performance, greater responsibility but more stress, less free time, less leisure, to end up becoming an anodyne and alienated by his work . All right, this can be considered torture, so maybe it is not such a good idea to give a cup of coffee. Not an enemy! Perhaps the best of the gifts that you can give these holidays is a personal App. Can you imagine that everyone can download an application with everything about your enemy? An App in which everyone can check their twitter, see their updates on Facebook , send them an email or comment on how good it has been in that photo next to the Christmas tree that you have posted on Instagram . An App for your enemy, yes; Although perhaps it is not such a bad gift and you prefer it for yourselves? Enter the Kingdom of Apps and discover the perfect gift this Christmas. And if nothing like it, we will always have … Merry Christmas! Note: All these gifts also work if it is … an enemy !



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